Enabling understanding and change through research
I am an experienced researcher who designs, facilitates, analysis and writes up research as well as supports the development of other researchers at all levels. I support the research confidence of service users collecting data within their organisations, PhD candidates during their Doctoral journey and research staff within Universities. With many years experience in research consultancy and a PhD from the University of Manchester you can be confident projects will be completed to high standard, to time and handled in a thoughtful and that considered way.
Facilitating research skills
Business Boost; The University of Manchester
This ESRC funded project connects PGRs and ECRs with businesses. Leveraging PhD knowledge and skills for the purposes of business development enabling impact whilst enhancing the employability of graduates. My role was to support teams in meeting the expectations of businesses through one to one and group coaching, as well as written feedback on project/research proposals.
Pathways PhD and ECR conference; The University of Manchester
This annual event provides information for PhDs and Early Career Researchers who are transitioning into or out of academia. It highlights the transferability of the Doctorate across a range of sectors and provides insight into how participants might communicate its value outside of academia. I speak annually on panels exploring the transferability of research skills, employer perceptions, alternative employment options and advice for those wishing to enter consultancy and freelance work.
Designing Research
Evaluation of Services; Westminster City Council
Partnering with ‘Young Advisors’ a national charity. I liaised with key stakeholders to plan and facilitate a 3-month research project. This involved me training and supporting a team of six peer researchers to collect and organise data for analysis. The research team was guided throughout the data gathering and analysis process to ensure relevant, good quality data was collected from across Westminster (n=200). I analysed and wrote up the data into a report and presented the findings to the Work and Skills Board. This work has continued to inform youth employment services and online provision in Westminster.
Evaluation of Services; Langworthy Community Centre
Working for Manchester Metropolitan University I liaised with key stakeholders and colleagues to fund and plan a 4-month research project. My role involved the training and support of a team of ten bilingual researchers, employed as University staff for the duration of the project. Data collection was qualitative and transcripts and notes were translated from 11 different languages adding additional training needs but enabling access to a more diverse sample (n=60). Conversations focused upon how the centre could better support the needs of a growing and ethnically diverse community. The research recommendations were used to inform the next phase of the organisation’s business strategy.
Evaluation of Services; The Proud Trust
Two training programs and a Women’s Project were evaluated through interviews and survey data. Findings were analysed, shared and written up into a report to inform strategic planning; report available on request.
I also reviewed and wrote up an array of material to inform the organisation’s 2019 and 2020 Annual Report.
Dani has been a true critical friend in enabling our work to have insight and develop improvements. This has been particularly true with regard to our work with women where Dani was able to see opportunities and pathways that have now encouraged new ways of working

Danielle has excellent research skills, she is an extremely good communicator, teacher, mentor and developed this community research project with skill, proficiency and sensitivity. I would recommend her for further research projects, she fulfilled a very difficult remit with energy, empathy and her knowledge of community consultation and expertise is outstanding.

Danielle created an environment where I could really be myself, I was open about my anxieties and insecurities. This combined with her ability to cut through the confusion in my mind enabled powerful conversations and progress. I am amazed at what I have been able to achieve professionally (and personally) through in a very short time through our coaching! Thank you 🙂
Get in touch
If you have an interesting project that you think I could help with, please get in touch.